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International Information

United Arab Emirates
A passport is required. For stays of less than 60 days, U.S. citizens holding valid passports may obtain visitor visas at the port of entry for no fee.
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US Virgin Islands
If Arriving Directly from U.S. Mainland (or Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska)Proof of Identity (Valid Drivers License or Proof of Citizenship Required). The U.S. Virgin Islands is an unincorporated territory of the United States. U.S. citizens may travel freely to the U.S. Virgin Islands. No visa is required.
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A passport valid for six months beyond the date of entry, visa and evidence of yellow fever vaccination are required.
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A passport valid for six months beyond the planned date of travel is required. According to Ukrainian Presidential Decree #1008, dated June 30, 2005, U.S. citizens traveling to Ukraine on short-term tourist, business, or private travel do not need a visa to enter Ukraine.
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United Kingdom
A passport is required. A visa is not required for tourist or business visits to the UK of less than six months in duration.
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All United States citizens entering Uruguay for business or pleasure must have a valid passport. U.S. citizens traveling on a regular passport do not need a visa for a visit of less than three months.
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A passport and visa are required.
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US Passport Renewals
US Passport is required.
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